Order Process FAQs

1. We Arrange Your Delivery Schedule

Within one working day, we’ll contact you to confirm your delivery schedule.

  • For smaller orders (e.g. taps, waste kits), we’ll send you a tracking link the day before delivery.
  • For larger orders (e.g. baths, basins, WCs), we’ll call you the day before delivery with an estimated arrival time.

2. We Confirm Any Customisation Details

If your order includes a painted bath, basin, or furniture, we’ll contact you within one working day to confirm your chosen colour(s). Your payment won’t be processed until your colour choice is confirmed.

3. We Expertly Review Your Order

Our experienced team carefully checks all items in your order for compatibility and completeness. If we spot any potential issues—such as incompatible products, missing essential items, or unnecessary extras—we’ll get in touch to ensure your order is just right.

4. We Process Your Payment & Send Confirmation

Once all order details are finalised, we’ll process your payment and email you an invoice/receipt.

If you have any questions at any stage, feel free to call or email us—we’re happy to help!