What is the weight of a whirlpool bath?

A whirlpool system adds only modest weight to a standard bath:

Additional Components Weight

·        Water pump: approximately 6kg

·        Air blower (if fitted): approximately 3kg

·        Pipework and fittings: 1-2kg maximum

·        Total system weight: typically 10-11kg

This minimal weight increase means:

·        No special floor reinforcement needed

·        Standard bath installation methods apply

·        Normal bathroom flooring suitable

·        Standard wall mounting appropriate

·        Traditional joist structures adequate

The main weight consideration for any bath installation remains the combined weight of:

·        The bath itself

·        Water content (1 litre = 1kg)

·        Bather(s)

The additional weight of a whirlpool system is negligible compared to these factors and shouldn't influence installation decisions. Any floor suitable for a standard bath will easily accommodate a whirlpool version.